Wednesday, July 21, 2010

back streets

I went down the big wide Meiji Dori to get food for the rabbits. 

On the way home I went a stray, little streets I had no idea were there.  Animal trails that turned into roads not long after Edo.  People that live, tiny family factories, shopping streets, all fading, in the back shadow of these big new apartment buildings.  Different people, a society hidden from the new main stream, as they are not on the way to the station or the grocery store.   Apartment house ghosts have no idea that people live behind them.  (Don't tell them)

I found this drunken dancing dog on a shutter of a pet shop sinking now into time.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jim - I am working on sumi paper - which side is the right side - I'm drawing more shells with walnut ink
