Friday, December 31, 2010

ready for the new year

Fixed my lantern.  I am clean and ready for the new year.  I may even paint with silver tonight.

Get Ready for the New Year

I have a theory that Japanese New Year food tastes much better if you have to suffer to get it, like wine that is better if you pay more for it.  Why else would they stand in 4 hour department store lines or face the crowds I faced yesterday just to get food that could easily be gotten by waiting at home for it to be delivered, or gotten from the local grocery.

Stolen sweets are not sweeter, suffered for is better in Tokyo.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas/New Year break

Hard to transition, to switch from teaching thinking to painting non thinking.  these days I do it by making something, to relax..  This time I have made some single bottom getta for my eldest.  Seems to be working out.  She wants them painted black, so it will take a little more time.

Monday, December 20, 2010

A rabbit roll

Rabbits for the new year.  I have had some postcard pressure.  But this weekend I managed to cut a stone I like.  The cylinder prints are fun to make and fun to print, just roll them out.  And they are different depending upon where the roller starts on the paper.  I made a roller a couple years ago that was capable of telling 7 different stories.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

pretty much down

The White Bath Sento of Yanaka if pretty much down.  It was a beautiful all wood building and a great bath. I wonder what will go up in its stead?  Is Yanaka betting better or worse?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

getting better

I am in more demand that I thought.  Someone stole the painting right off my undon in front of my studio this week.  Either I am betting better, or my audience is getting drunker - I notice the thief did not do a very good job, and left the edges of the painting behind.