Friday, June 27, 2014

Event in Kiryu, Gunma, this weekend

Saturday and Sunday I will be in Kiryu, Gunma, Japan, for a weekend even - dance, music and my paintings, including a very large painting made for the event.  More information on my temporary homepage.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

new website

I have just made a new web site.

It is a temporary site while i try and rebuild the old one (  i find my brushink site is so complicated and dense i can not understand it myself.  I built it layer upon layer for i dont know how many years.  it shocks me to see some of the things i find on it. it has become like the bath house in the animation, Sen no Chihro (Spirited Away) - structure built upon shaky structure.  I am shocked it stands at all.

It will take some thinking and some cleaning to get the old site into any sort of order, much like my life at the present time.

so take a look at the new site, still under construction itself of course.